I'm too young for this.
Monday, October 15
I'm stressed. Maybe we're taking this way too seriously.
For the life of me I cannot remember
What made us think that we were wise and
We'd never compromise
For the life of me I cannot believe
We'd ever die for these sins
We were merely freshman.
God i feel so uninspired.
I just had too much to drink.
Monday, October 8
So I wasn't the first one to notice that
Promotion Status: Completed S4 Express
at the bottom half of the report card.
And I wasn't the first one to realize what that really means. That we truly are moving on. And that the next few weeks are nothing but a final gateway we have to pass, like it or not. Most of us won't be returning, but we will be turning back, again and again. I know I will.
Because I know there'll come a time when the world will just slip on my hands, revolve under my feet without my even noticing, and I'll be one of those bitches who can't grab life for what it's worth; but there'll always be something I can hold on to.
Thank you all for the memories.
Take care now.